Wireframe remakes of classic arcade games, built with the Matter.js physics engine and a custom experimental game engine library.
Project Archive
The "Research & Development" department
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Modern PHP framework with a clean MVC pattern, time-saving macros, and sweet syntactic sugar.
Prototype of an isometric world mod for the custom game engine from the Axiom project, creating an MMO-style map.
Fly around a scrapyard and destroy the drones in this single-level, slow-paced, spaceship shoot'em'up built in an experimental ES6 game engine.
A web-based dashboard concept to be used as part of a raspberry-pi security camera network.
Command-line tool for managing projects on Unix systems with private, in-house, and/or offline dependencies. Language agnostic.
Enjoy this collection of photos, videos, and time-lapses incidentally produced while working on my Raspberry Pi Security Camera Network project.
Notes on getting a fresh Raspberry Pi to automatically connect to a WiFi network and use a static IP address.
Instructions for building a DIY home surveillance security camera network with Raspberry Pis and USB webcams (using the Motion and LibAV packages).
Hacking together a 2D hover-tank game with some vanilla JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas.